Hi Julius, Thanks for this illuminating piece. It is one thing reading about this stuff and quite another seeing it up close & personal through the eyes of someone you know and trust. Can you say something about the infrastructure? Obviously the roads are poor but you say there's intermittent internet? How do most people get around/communicate with each other? There must be some fuel, how do they cook? Where is the food coming from? What about the mental health of the people you observe? I can't imagine how they are able to keep going.

I've seen the VICE film, excellent as you said & horrifying too; so brave of the makers and those who participated in it but how do you get a film like that in front of the people who most need to see it? Likewise with your posts. Stay safe.

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Dear Julius, Thank you for this reply, it is very helpful. Certainly the Russians ( young people ) I know don't want anything to do with this war.

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Your trip is taking me there, it is sobering. Maybe, if you haven't already written about it, could you write something about why Putin invaded Ukraine? I am sorry I sound ignorant!

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What were the ladies' thoughts on their future? It is hard to see where this ends at the moment, and it is hard for our generation to understand what it must be like living like that, not just treading water but trying to survive.

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